Open Letter from Arts for Afghanistan
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We are writing to urge the United States government to do everything in its
power to facilitate the depa...
To Call a Horse a Deer / 指马为鹿 (Chinese ver.)
An experimental video game about language, hand-eye coordination,
truth-bending and acts of complicity. 一個關於語言、手眼協調、顛倒是非和同流合污的實驗電腦遊戲。
Sherry Lee Short
Sherry Lee Short
Sherry Lee Short is an artist, teacher, writer, and activist. She received
her Master of Fine Arts with Distinction from the...
In memoriam Alain Buffard
How to start a relation?
By learning.
By violence.
By negotiated imposition.
By realizing the potential of common enjoyment.
By devouring until you...
Goodbye Pixelsumo
It is with much thought & a little sadness that today I have drawn a line
under Pixelsumo and will close this blog. Whilst I will leave the archive
Please update your links, I have a new site!
Hey All, So, I moved my site over to I also have a
new news feed which is here: Please
update y...
Foreword by David Zicarelli 554 pages - Euro 45.00 40.00 English Version
The book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max & MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building exercises, and reverse engineering exercises.
362 pages - Euro 35.00 30.00 English Version Virtual Sound is an in-depth tutorial in computer music, complete with user-friendly exercises in Csound that illustrate the theory and practice of each type of sound synthesis and processing. Virtual Sound is also the first complete tutorial in Csound as a programming language. The book contains a wealth of diagrams, illustrations, flow charts, and other graphics and images that will help you understand exactly how to do what you want to do with Csound.
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