Guru Guru

Monday, October 1, 2018

Jau-lan Guo is feeling 仁至義盡.

Jau-lan Guo is feeling 仁至義盡.
A. 課程介紹
B. 每週授課進度
C. 評分標準
D. 分組報告說明
E. 參考書目
A. 每週授課進度
1. 西洋藝術史的前世與今生:西洋藝術史的歷史,西洋藝術史的英雄時期,例如圖像學、形式分析法、傳記與精神分析法、社會學的方法,也就是有關Panofsky、Wolfflin、Riegl、Gombrich、Warburg、黑格爾與康德的貢獻與侷限。藝術史的終結: Hans Belting
2. 移動中的古代文物:艾爾金大理石--帝國主義與文物(明)移動
3. 藝術史與博物館的「三種檔案的時刻」。西洋藝術史的來生:「健忘症與馬勒維奇的藥房」在北美館
4. 藝術的起源論、國族美學與藝術史:第14屆文件展新美術館的主題展
二. 圖像:形式、內容、文化的參數
5. 文藝復興時期藝術中的贊助者與藝術家--從人文主義到宮廷繪畫:以文藝復興時期繪畫、巴洛克時期繪畫為例
6. 個人主義式藝術家的誕生:新古典主義到浪漫主義
7. 中產階級的興起:以印象主義到後印象主義為例
8. 形式主義、前衛藝術與現代藝術:抽象繪畫的誕生與革命的呼聲
三. 生態-形式:現代藝術批判導論,找到邏輯的謬誤與引證的濫用(詳見附錄)
9. 紀念物、現代主義與公共空間
10. 遠離塵囂與回歸自然
11. 女性裸體:高美館展覽
12. 從機械美學到科技文化
13. 冷戰的世界次序與現代藝術在亞洲
14. 攝影與表演藝術中的自我與身份認同政治
15. 現代藝術館
四. 多模式的解決與表達
16. 西洋藝術史的今生:西洋藝術史在台灣、藝術史的全球轉向。如何設計ㄧ個21世紀的美術館,才得以讓典藏陳列忠實于美術館學術研究的目的,Iwaona Blazwick的永久典藏陳列方法與侷限
17. 問題的提問,解決的方法,藝術的溝通專題之一
18. 問題的提問,解決的方法,藝術的溝通專題之二
B. 評分標準
C. 分組報告說明
1. 分組報告: 針對「三. 生態-形式:現代藝術批判導論,找到邏輯的謬誤與引證的濫用」中的7個子題,挑選主題,並製作ppt,進行閱讀報告。每人均需上台。
2. 閱讀、分析、統整文本中的內容,找出讀本中的圖片,進行消化過後的閱讀報告
1. Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon: Modern Art: A Critical Introduction, second edition, Routledge, New York and London, 2005.
2. Pam Meecham and Julie Sheldon著,王秀滿譯:最新現代藝術批判,韋伯,臺北,2006
3. 溫蒂修女著,郭昭蘭譯:西洋名畫1000幅,台灣麥克,台北,2004
4. 溫蒂修女著,郭昭蘭譯:繪畫的故事,台灣麥克,台北,1998
附錄:現代藝術批判導論專題(引自Meecham and Sheldon, 2006)
• 公共紀念物性質的改變
• 從新與舊的例子中,觀察公共空間性質的變遷
• 紀念物在視覺上顯現的權利與展示之間的微妙關係
• 提供有別於主流的現代主義中實用的,樂觀的與城市的另類看法
• 檢視現代主義在處理那些富有精神性與神秘性氣質的藝術家,也就是那些從都市退隱的現代藝術家,時的兩難問題
• 思考為何有些藝術家遠離城市以及如何退出城市的生活,城市一向代表著現代,不過他們反而是選擇從”內在本質”作為創作的出發點
• 令人質疑的是,畫家宣稱他們以原始的主體性與樸素的純真作為他們追求自我表現的基礎
• 探討主體性與創造力重疊的部分
• 討論現代時期的藝術威信是如何被局限於強調藝術家個人經驗,尤其是藝術家的情感,印象,與感性的內心世界
• 檢視藝術家個人的想像歷程(實際上以及心靈上)對現代藝術而言,特別是非具象在尋求精神意義的關聯上何以變得如此重要
• 藝術家勇於出走,或者巷內心世界探索,甘冒失去理智甚或瘋狂的危險,不顧一切只為想達到想像的極限, 此乃現代藝術的調性之一, 通常伴隨著的觀念是,這是一次實際行動上的退隱(通常指退出都市現代化的環境)得以令藝術家獲得心靈“重生”
• 所謂隱退的概念其神秘性大過於實質性(如同不同宗教系統中多少帶有神秘性質)
• 十九世紀末其陸續有藝術家屏棄既有宗教系統,轉而尋找其他的靈性感受
• 思索為什麼女性裸體會在現代藝術實踐中扮演重要角色
• 以晚近的女性主義與各派理論觀點作為分析架構,檢視庫爾培到克魯格女性裸體作為現代藝術主題的重要性
• 思辯再現政治,色情,與凝視
• 提出各種在現裸象與裸體的理論,現代主義美學有不同的評價
• 檢視現代主義,後現代主義與科技之間不對等的關係
• 從”機械美學”到”數位崇高”,探究藝術與科學間的推力與拉力
• 彰顯藝術家與後工業社會的科技發展間的緊繃關係,特別以那些與擁抱機械且目前多將創作建立於最新科技發展的藝術家
• 檢視那些對立意味的藝術目標,由達達,未來主義與一些強調機械美學的運動(如蘇聯的生產主義,包浩斯,純粹主義與風格派),來看科技是如何影響藝術,建築,音樂,電影的發展
• 根據主流現代主義藝術史的說法,機械美學基本上是反表現主義,反神秘性,反浪漫的個人特質,但也有反例,有些藝術家將機械美學與對於精神性與神秘性的內在共感結合
• 戰後美國藝術
• 博物館條例與冷戰政治的爭辯
• 抽象繪畫在亞洲
• 二十世紀末的藝術實踐中,表演藝術家所持的角色
• 檢視藝術家身體在演出作品中所扮演的角色地位,以及後來的表演者沉溺於自我定位的問題
• 戰後身體政治的發展
• 自我表現的性質與功能的改變,並討論表演藝術家採用身體作為一種政治與社會論述的方式
• 利用近代關於身體,自我與認同政治的理論來發堀1960年代與1970 年代表演藝術與身體藝術的性質與意義
• 現代美術館與畫廊如何影響我們所謂的 “現代”藝術的發展與傳佈
• 美術館空間營造的巨大感與那些迎合美術館的畫家以及抦棄美術館的畫家會分別呈現出什麼樣的作品

Thursday, January 26, 2017

History of Electronic / Electroacoustic Music (1937-2001)

Messiaen - Oraison - 1937 - For Ondes Martenot
[hide/show playlist]
  1. Messiaen - Oraison - 1937 - For Ondes Martenot
  2. Cage - Imaginary Landscape - 1939 - For 2 phonographs
  3. Schaeffer - Presentation du Concert de Bruits - 1948/06/20
  4. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Chemins de Fer
  5. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Tourniquets
  6. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Violette
  7. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Noire
  8. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Pathétique
  9. Schaeffer - Variations sur une flûte méxicane - 1949
  10. Schaeffer - L'oiseau RAI - 1950
  11. Pierre Henry - Bidule en UT - 1950
  12. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 01
  13. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 02
  14. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 03
  15. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 04
  16. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 05
  17. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 06
  18. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 07
  19. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 08
  20. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 09
  21. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 10
  22. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 11
  23. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 12
  24. Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (March No. 2) - 1951
  25. Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 5 - 1952
  26. Cage, John - Williams Mix - 1952
  27. Eimert, Herbert - Klangstudie I - 1952
  28. Eimert-Beyer - Klang im unbegrenzten Raum - 1952
  29. Eimert-Beyer - Klangstudie II - 1952
  30. Luening, Otto - Low Speed - 1952
  31. Luening, Otto - Invention in Twelve Tones - 1952
  32. Luening, Otto - Fantasy in Space - 1952
  33. Maderna, Bruno - Musica su Due Dimensioni - 1952
  34. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Étude - 1952
  35. Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Sonic Contours - 1952
  36. Eimert, Herbert - Glockenspiel - 1953
  37. Goeyvaert, Karel - Komposition Nr. 5 - 1953
  38. Goeyvaert, Karel - Komposition Nr. 7 - 1953
  39. Henry, Pierre - Astrologie - 1953
  40. Henry, Pierre - Le Voile d'Orphée - 1953
  41. Luening-Ussachevsky - Incantation - 1953
  42. Philippot, Michel - Etüde I - 1953
  43. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Studie I - 1953
  44. Eimert, Herbert - Etüde über Tongemische - 1954
  45. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Studie II - 1954
  46. ambraeus, Bengt - Doppelrohr II - 1955
  47. Klebe, Giselher - Interferenzen - 1955
  48. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - Présentation pour la première modiale
  49. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - 1950-54 - for orchestra and tape - World première with Hermann Scherchen
  50. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - 1950-54 - for orchestra and tape - With Ricardo Chailly
  51. Koenig - Klangfiguren I – 1955
  52. Krenek - Pfigstoratorium (Spiritus Intelligentiae Sanctus) - 1955 - soprano, tenor and tape
  53. Pousseur - Seismogrammes I+II – 1955
  54. Koenig - Klangfiguren II – 1955-56
  55. Maderna - Notturno – 1956
  56. Stockhausen - Gesang der Jünglinge – 1955-56
  57. Ussachevsky - Piece for Tape Recorder – 1956
  58. Berio - Perspectives – 1957
  59. Evangelisti - Incontri di Fasce Sonore - 1957
  60. Ligeti, György - Glissandi – 1957
  61. Maderna, Bruno - Syntaxis – 1957
  62. Pousseur, Henri - Scambi – 1957
  63. Pousseur, Henri - Scambi - 1957 - Luciano Berio's Version
  64. Xenakis, Iannis - Diamorphoses – 1957
  65. Boulez, Pierre - Poésie pour Pouvir - 1958 - three orchestras and tape
  66. Carvalho, Reginaldo - Sibemol - 1958
  67. Maderna, Bruno - Musica su Due Dimensioni - versione 1958 - flute and tape
  68. Maderna, Bruno - Continuo – 1958
  69. Varèse, Edgard - Poème Electronique – 1958
  70. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Allures – 1958
  71. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Sons Animés – 1958
  72. Xenakis, Iannis - Concret PH – 1958
  73. Ligeti, György - Artikulation – 1958
  74. Berio, Luciano - Différences - 1959 - flute, clarinet, harp, viola, cello and tape
  75. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets exposé
  76. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets étendus
  77. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets multiplús
  78. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets liés
  79. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets rassemmblés
  80. Berio, Luciano - Momenti – 1960
  81. Clementi, Aldo - Collage II – 1960
  82. Kagel, Mauricio - Transición I – 1958-1960
  83. Maderna, Bruno - Dimensioni II (Invenzione su una Voce) – 1960
  84. Mathews, Max - Numerology – 1960
  85. Nono, Luigi - Omaggio a Emilio Vedova - 1960
  86. Maderna, Bruno - Invencione su una Voce – 1960
  87. Pousseur, Henri - Electre – 1960
  88. Xenakis, Iannis - Orient-Occident - 1960
  89. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kontakte – 1958-60
  90. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kontakte - 1958-60 - version for piano, percussion and tape
  91. Antunes, Jorge - Pequena Peça para Mi Bequadro e Harmônicos – 1961
  92. Babbit, Milton - Vision and Prayer - 1961 - soprano and synthesizer
  93. Berio, Luciano - Visage – 1961
  94. Castiglioni, Niccolo - Divertimento – 1961
  95. Maderna, Bruno - Serenata III - 1961
  96. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – I
  97. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – II
  98. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – III
  99. Antunes, Jorge - Valsa sideral – 1962
  100. Eimert, Herbert - Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama – 1961-62
  101. Maderna, Bruno - Le Rire – 1962
  102. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 – I
  103. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 – II
  104. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 - III
  105. Mendes, Gilberto - Nascemorre - 1963 – mixed choir, 2 typewriters and tape
  106. Tenney, James - Dialogue – 1963
  107. Tenney, James - Stochastic Quartet – 196
  108. Antunes, Jorge - Fluxo Luminoso para Sons Brancos I – 1964
  109. Cage and Tudor - Klangexperimente – 1963
  110. Bayle, François - Oiseau Chanteur – 1964
  111. Biel, Michael von - Fassung – 1964
  112. Ferrari, Luc - Hétérozygote - 1963-64
  113. Fritsch, Johannes - Fabula Rasa – 1964
  114. Nono, Luigi - La Fabbrica Illuminata - 1964 - soprano, choir and tape
  115. Nono, Luigi - Ricorda Cosa ti Hanno Fatto in Ausschwitz - 1965 - voices and tape
  116. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 1
  117. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 2
  118. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 3
  119. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 4
  120. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 5
  121. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 6
  122. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 7
  123. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 8
  124. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 9
  125. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 10
  126. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 11
  127. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 12
  128. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 13
  129. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 14
  130. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 15
  131. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 16
  132. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 17
  133. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 18
  134. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 19
  135. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 20
  136. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 21
  137. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 22
  138. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 23
  139. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 24
  140. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 25
  141. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 26
  142. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 27
  143. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 28
  144. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 29
  145. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 30
  146. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 31
  147. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 32
  148. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 33
  149. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 34
  150. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 35
  151. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 36
  152. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 37
  153. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 38
  154. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 39
  155. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 40
  156. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 1
  157. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 2
  158. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 3
  159. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 4
  160. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 5
  161. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 6
  162. Malec, Ivo - Cantate pour Elle - 1966 - soprano, harp and tape
  163. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 1
  164. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 2
  165. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 3
  166. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 4
  167. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 5
  168. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 1
  169. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 2
  170. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 3
  171. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 4
  172. Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Computer Piece No. 1 - 1968
  173. Antunes, Jorge - Cinta Cita – 1969
  174. Berio, Luciano - Questo Vuol Dire Che... - 1968-69 - 3 feminine voices, small choir, tape and other fonts.
  175. Davidovsky, Mario - Synchronisms No. 5 - 1969 – percussion ensemble and electronic sounds
  176. Ferrari, Luc - Music Promenade - 1964-69 – 4 sound recorders
  177. Koenig, Gottfried Michael - Funktion Blau - 1969
  178. Risset, Jean-Claude - Mutations – 1969
  179. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen - Mai 1968 (stretch) - tam- tam, ciola, electronium, piano, 2 microphones, 2 filters, 4 potenciometers
  180. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen mit Beethoven (Stockhoven- Beethausen Opus 1970) - Das Heiligenstädter-Testament-Geschehen
  181. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen mit Beethoven (Stockhoven - Beethausen Opus 1970) – Finale
  182. Clozier, Christian - La Discordatura - 1970
  183. Chorzempa, Daniel - Sonett – 1978
  184. Xenakis, Iannis - La Légende d'Eer - 1977-78
  185. Ferreyra, Beatriz - Echos – 1978
  186. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 1
  187. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 2
  188. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 3
  189. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 4
  190. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 5
  191. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 6
  192. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 7
  193. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 8
  194. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 9
  195. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 10
  196. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 11
  197. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 1
  198. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 2
  199. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 3
  200. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 4
  201. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 5
  202. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 6
  203. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 7
  204. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 8
  205. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 9
  206. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 10
  207. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 11
  208. Küpper, Leo - Innominé - 1974
  209. Xenakis, Iannis - Persepolis - 1971
  210. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 1
  211. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 2
  212. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 3
  213. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 4
  214. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 5
  215. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 6
  216. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 7
  217. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 8
  218. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 9
  219. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 10
  220. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 11
  221. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 12
  222. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 13
  223. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 14
  224. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 15
  225. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 16
  226. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 17
  227. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 18
  228. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 19
  229. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 20
  230. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 21
  231. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 22
  232. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 23
  233. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 24
  234. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 25
  235. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 26
  236. Lanza, Alcides - Penetrations VII - 1972 – voice and live- electronics
  237. Lanza, Alcides - Ekphonesis V - 1979 – voice and live-electronic
  238. Obst, Michael - Metal Drop Music – 1979
  239. Risset, Jean - Claude - Songes – 1979
  240. Truax, Barry - The Blind Man - 1979
  241. Berio, Luciano - Chants Parallèles - 1975 revision 1997 1
  242. Berio, Luciano - Chants Parallèles - 1975 revision 1997 2
  243. Hanson, Sten - Le Nom des 7 Nuits – 1975
  244. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 1
  245. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 2
  246. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 3
  247. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 4
  248. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 5
  249. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 6
  250. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000
  251. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 7
  252. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 8
  253. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 9
  254. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 1
  255. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 2
  256. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 3
  257. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 4
  258. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 5
  259. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 6
  260. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 7
  261. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 8
  262. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 9
  263. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 10
  264. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 11
  265. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 12
  266. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 13
  267. Harvey, Jonathan - Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco - 1980
  268. Mandolini, Ricardo - El Juego de la Marioneta - 1979-80
  269. Chowning, John - Phoné - 1980-81
  270. Mandolini, Ricardo - Canción de Madera y Agua - 1981
  271. Nono, Luigi - Das atmende Klarsein - 1980-81 - bass flute and tape
  272. Dantas Leite, Vânia - Di-Stances - 1982
  273. Dashow, James - Mnemonics - 1982 - violin and computer 1
  274. Dashow, James - Mnemonics - 1982 - violin and computer 2
  275. Risset, Jean-Claude - Passages – 1982 1
  276. Risset, Jean-Claude - Passages – 1982 2
  277. Murail, Tristan - Désintégrations - 1982-83 - ensemble and tape
  278. Vande Gorne, Annette - Tao - Métal - 1983
  279. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kanthinkas Gesang als LuzifersRequiem - 1983 – solo flute or flute and 6 percussionists
  280. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 1
  281. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 2
  282. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 3
  283. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 4
  284. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 5
  285. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 6
  286. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 7
  287. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 8
  288. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 9
  289. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 10
  290. Maiguashca, Mesias - FMelodies II - 1981-84 - cello, percussion and tape
  291. Mucillo, Luis Maria - Au Delà des Portes d'Ivoire – 1984
  292. Parmerud, Ake - Yan - 1984 - percussion and tape
  293. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria - 1982 - piano and tape - Traiettorie... deviata 1
  294. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 2
  295. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 3
  296. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 4
  297. Bayle, François - Motion-Émotion - 1985
  298. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 1
  299. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 2
  300. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 3
  301. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 4
  302. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 5
  303. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 6
  304. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 7
  305. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 8
  306. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 9
  307. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 10
  308. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 11
  309. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 12
  310. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X)
  311. Nono, Luigi - A Pierre. Dell'Azzurro Silenzio, Inquietum - 1985 - choir, contrabass flute in G, contrabass clarinet and live electronics
  312. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 1
  313. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 2
  314. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 3
  315. Saariaho, Kaija - Jardin Secret I – 1984-85
  316. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 1
  317. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 2
  318. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 3
  319. Vaggione, Horacio - Thema - 1985 – bass sax and tape
  320. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 1
  321. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 2
  322. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 3
  323. Lindberg, Magnus - Ur - 1986 - 5 instrumentists and live- electronics
  324. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 1
  325. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 2
  326. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 3
  327. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 4
  328. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 5
  329. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 6
  330. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 7
  331. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 8
  332. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 9
  333. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 10
  334. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 11
  335. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 12
  336. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 13
  337. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 1
  338. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 2
  339. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 3
  340. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 1
  341. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 2
  342. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 3
  343. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 4
  344. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 5
  345. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 6
  346. Pamerud, Ake - String Quartet – 1986
  347. Truax, Barry - Riverrun - 1986
  348. Ungvary, Tamas - Gipsy Children's Giant Dance with Ili Fourier – 1986
  349. Wishart, Trevor - Vox-5 – 1986
  350. Bennett, Gerald - Kyotaku - 1987 - shakuhachi and tape
  351. Dashow, James - Oro, Argento e Legno - 1987 - flute and computer
  352. Karpen, Richard - Il Nome - 1987 - voice and tape
  353. Mandolini, Ricardo - Microrreflexiones – 1987
  354. Reith, Dirk - nahe zu fern – 1987
  355. Saariaho, Kaija - Yo -1986-87 - ensemble, tape and liveelectronics
  356. Vaggione, Horacio - Tar - 1987 - clarone e tape
  357. Viñao, Alejandro - Toccata del Mago - 1987 - ensemble and tape
  358. Bayle, François - Théâtre d'Ombres – 1988
  359. Globokar, Vinko - Kolo - 1988 - coro misto, trombone e eletrônica
  360. Goebel, Johannes - Vom Übersetzen über den Fluß – 1987-88
  361. Oliveira, Jocy de - Solaris - 1988 - oboe and tape
  362. Pousseur, Henri - Déclarations d'Orages - 1988 - orchestra, tape and voices
  363. Roy, Stéphane - Paysages Intérieurs – 1988
  364. Saariaho, Kaija - Stilleben – 1987-88
  365. Xenakis, Iannis - Tauriphanie – 1987-88
  366. Chafe, Chris - Vanishing Point – 1989
  367. Jarrell, Michael - Congruences - 1988-89 - MIDI-flute, oboe, ensemble and live-electronics
  368. Kessler, Thomas - Flute Control - 1989 – flute and tape
  369. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 1
  370. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 2
  371. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 3
  372. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 4
  373. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 5
  374. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 6
  375. Arrell, Michael - Assonance IV - 1990 - tuba, viola and live-electronics
  376. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 1
  377. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 2
  378. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 3
  379. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 4
  380. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 5
  381. Xenakis, Iannis - Gendy 3 – 1991
  382. Parmegiani, Bernard - Entre Temps – 1990-92
  383. Boulez, Pierre - ...explosante-fixe... - 1991-93 – MIDI-flute solo, 2 flutes, ensemble and live-electronics
  384. Brümmer, Ludger - The Gates of H. - 1993
  385. Cerana, Carlos - Fall - 1993
  386. Cicchelli-Velloso, Rodrigo - Cymbals - Reminiscência – 1993
  387. Hurel, Philippe - Leçon de Choses - 1993 - ensemble and live- electronics
  388. Jarrell, Michael - Rhizomes (Assonance VIIb) - 1991-93 – two percussionists, two pianos and live-electronics
  389. Labor, Tim - Bronze – 1993
  390. Macdonald, Alistair - Kilim - 1993
  391. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Sólidos – 1993
  392. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 1
  393. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 2
  394. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 3
  395. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 4
  396. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 5
  397. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 6
  398. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 7
  399. Murail, Tristan - L'esprit des Dunes - 1993-94 - ensenble and live-electronics
  400. Pappalardo, Emanuele - Oltre - 1994 - flautas-doce tenor e baixo e tape
  401. Wishart, Trevor - Tongues of Fire – 1992-94
  402. Ceccarelli, Luigi - Birds – 1995
  403. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Materialma - 1995
  404. Verandi, Mario - Figuras Flamencas – 1995
  405. Martusciello, Elio - Vis Motrix – 1996
  406. Parmegiani, Bernard - Sonare – 1996
  407. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 1
  408. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 2
  409. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 3
  410. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 4
  411. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 5
  412. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 6
  413. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 1
  414. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 2
  415. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 3
  416. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 4
  417. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 5
  418. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 6
  419. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 7
  420. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 8
  421. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 9
  422. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Three Inconspicuous Settings - 1997
  423. Pauset, Brice - Perspectivae Sintagma I (canons) - 1997 - MIDI- piano and live-electronics
  424. Zanési, Christian - Archeion Les Voix de Pierre Schaeffer - 1997
  425. Bayle, François - Morceaux de Ciel – 1998
  426. Gorodski, Fábio - Gli Anni-Luce - 1999 - piano and tape
  427. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 1
  428. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 2
  429. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 3
  430. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 4
  431. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 5
  432. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 6
  433. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 7
  434. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 8
  435. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 9
  436. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 10
  437. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 11
  438. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 1
  439. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 2
  440. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 3
  441. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 4
  442. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 5
  443. Chowning, John - Phoné – 1980-81
  444. Chowning, John - Turenas – 1972
  445. Chowning, John - Stria – 1977
  446. Chowning, John - Sabelithe - 1966
  447. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 1
  448. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 2
  449. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 3
  450. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 4
  451. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 5
  452. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 6
  453. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 7
  454. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 8
  455. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 1
  456. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 2
  457. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 3
  458. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 4
  459. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 5
  460. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 6
  461. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 1
  462. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 2
  463. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 3
  464. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 4
  465. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 5
  466. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 6
  467. Pierre Henry - Bidule En Mi - 1950
  468. Pierre Henry - Spirale – 1955
  469. Pierre Henry - Voile d'Orphee – 1953
  470. Pierre Henry - Spatiodynamisme - 1954 - à partir des sculptures de Nicolas Schöffer
  471. Pierre Henry - Haut-Voltage - 1956 - avec la vois de Pierre Henry
  472. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 1
  473. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 2
  474. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 3
  475. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 4
  476. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 5

About the History of Electroacoustic Music

When I started uploading the collection, in 2009, I was an undergraduate student of a composition class at the university's studio for electroacoustic music. Our professor made this collection, I believe, from his particular library, picking up some works that he found important. So there was this pile of CDs for us to hear as a kind of assignment. Because I could not be at the studio all the time I ripped the CDs to my computer so I could hear them at home. It was a natural thing then to start sharing it via the famous rapidshare, although it was not an all altruistic idea: the donwloads got me points that allowed me to get an account for downloading other shared material.

After I was done uploading I asked if someone could build a torrent so the works could be shared more easily. I didn't know if it was done or not until a friend of mine tells me that ubuweb published the collection. It was a very pleasant surprise since I, like many, admire a lot the work done in this website.

So I'm very proud and happy to see this here. I just want to clarify two things since it seems that my iniciative became some sort of legend, which is very funny. First, my college is a kind of a center of the most tradicional, western avant-gard electronic music, so I certainly agree that it leaves a lot of people outside, but leaving outside people working at the bounds of this tradition, and the area of Europe-America, was expected. I'm not saying that it's fair! Second and last, although woman are certainly an exception, I don't believe it was intentional to have few works by woman, it has more to do with the way our society and the tradition this music represent works.

Enjoy listening!

-- Caio Barros, São Paulo, Brazil 2011

  1. Messiaen - Oraison - 1937 - For Ondes Martenot
  2. Cage - Imaginary Landscape - 1939 - For 2 phonographs
  3. Schaeffer - Presentation du Concert de Bruits - 1948/06/20
  4. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Chemins de Fer
  5. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Tourniquets
  6. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Violette
  7. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Noire
  8. Schaeffer - 5 Etudes de Bruits - 1948 - Pathétique
  9. Schaeffer - Variations sur une flûte méxicane - 1949
  10. Schaeffer - L'oiseau RAI - 1950
  11. Pierre Henry - Bidule en UT - 1950
  12. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 01
  13. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 02
  14. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 03
  15. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 04
  16. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 05
  17. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 06
  18. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 07
  19. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 08
  20. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 09
  21. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 10
  22. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 11
  23. Henry-Schaeffer - Symphonie pour un homme seul - 1950 - 12
  24. Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (March No. 2) - 1951
  25. Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 5 - 1952
  26. Cage, John - Williams Mix - 1952
  27. Eimert, Herbert - Klangstudie I - 1952
  28. Eimert-Beyer - Klang im unbegrenzten Raum - 1952
  29. Eimert-Beyer - Klangstudie II - 1952
  30. Luening, Otto - Low Speed - 1952
  31. Luening, Otto - Invention in Twelve Tones - 1952
  32. Luening, Otto - Fantasy in Space - 1952
  33. Maderna, Bruno - Musica su Due Dimensioni - 1952
  34. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Étude - 1952
  35. Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Sonic Contours - 1952
  36. Eimert, Herbert - Glockenspiel - 1953
  37. Goeyvaert, Karel - Komposition Nr. 5 - 1953
  38. Goeyvaert, Karel - Komposition Nr. 7 - 1953
  39. Henry, Pierre - Astrologie - 1953
  40. Henry, Pierre - Le Voile d'Orphée - 1953
  41. Luening-Ussachevsky - Incantation - 1953
  42. Philippot, Michel - Etüde I - 1953
  43. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Studie I - 1953
  44. Eimert, Herbert - Etüde über Tongemische - 1954
  45. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Studie II - 1954
  46. ambraeus, Bengt - Doppelrohr II - 1955
  47. Klebe, Giselher - Interferenzen - 1955
  48. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - Présentation pour la première modiale
  49. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - 1950-54 - for orchestra and tape - World première with Hermann Scherchen
  50. Varèse, Edgard - Déserts - 1950-54 - for orchestra and tape - With Ricardo Chailly
  51. Koenig - Klangfiguren I – 1955
  52. Krenek - Pfigstoratorium (Spiritus Intelligentiae Sanctus) - 1955 - soprano, tenor and tape
  53. Pousseur - Seismogrammes I+II – 1955
  54. Koenig - Klangfiguren II – 1955-56
  55. Maderna - Notturno – 1956
  56. Stockhausen - Gesang der Jünglinge – 1955-56
  57. Ussachevsky - Piece for Tape Recorder – 1956
  58. Berio - Perspectives – 1957
  59. Evangelisti - Incontri di Fasce Sonore - 1957
  60. Ligeti, György - Glissandi – 1957
  61. Maderna, Bruno - Syntaxis – 1957
  62. Pousseur, Henri - Scambi – 1957
  63. Pousseur, Henri - Scambi - 1957 - Luciano Berio's Version
  64. Xenakis, Iannis - Diamorphoses – 1957
  65. Boulez, Pierre - Poésie pour Pouvir - 1958 - three orchestras and tape
  66. Carvalho, Reginaldo - Sibemol - 1958
  67. Maderna, Bruno - Musica su Due Dimensioni - versione 1958 - flute and tape
  68. Maderna, Bruno - Continuo – 1958
  69. Varèse, Edgard - Poème Electronique – 1958
  70. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Allures – 1958
  71. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Sons Animés – 1958
  72. Xenakis, Iannis - Concret PH – 1958
  73. Ligeti, György - Artikulation – 1958
  74. Berio, Luciano - Différences - 1959 - flute, clarinet, harp, viola, cello and tape
  75. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets exposé
  76. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets étendus
  77. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets multiplús
  78. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets liés
  79. Schaeffer, Pierre - Etude aux Objets - 1959 - Objets rassemmblés
  80. Berio, Luciano - Momenti – 1960
  81. Clementi, Aldo - Collage II – 1960
  82. Kagel, Mauricio - Transición I – 1958-1960
  83. Maderna, Bruno - Dimensioni II (Invenzione su una Voce) – 1960
  84. Mathews, Max - Numerology – 1960
  85. Nono, Luigi - Omaggio a Emilio Vedova - 1960
  86. Maderna, Bruno - Invencione su una Voce – 1960
  87. Pousseur, Henri - Electre – 1960
  88. Xenakis, Iannis - Orient-Occident - 1960
  89. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kontakte – 1958-60
  90. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kontakte - 1958-60 - version for piano, percussion and tape
  91. Antunes, Jorge - Pequena Peça para Mi Bequadro e Harmônicos – 1961
  92. Babbit, Milton - Vision and Prayer - 1961 - soprano and synthesizer
  93. Berio, Luciano - Visage – 1961
  94. Castiglioni, Niccolo - Divertimento – 1961
  95. Maderna, Bruno - Serenata III - 1961
  96. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – I
  97. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – II
  98. Pousseur, Henri - Trois Visages de Liège - 1961 – III
  99. Antunes, Jorge - Valsa sideral – 1962
  100. Eimert, Herbert - Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama – 1961-62
  101. Maderna, Bruno - Le Rire – 1962
  102. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 – I
  103. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 – II
  104. Parmegiani, Bernard - Violostries - 1962 - III
  105. Mendes, Gilberto - Nascemorre - 1963 – mixed choir, 2 typewriters and tape
  106. Tenney, James - Dialogue – 1963
  107. Tenney, James - Stochastic Quartet – 196
  108. Antunes, Jorge - Fluxo Luminoso para Sons Brancos I – 1964
  109. Cage and Tudor - Klangexperimente – 1963
  110. Bayle, François - Oiseau Chanteur – 1964
  111. Biel, Michael von - Fassung – 1964
  112. Ferrari, Luc - Hétérozygote - 1963-64
  113. Fritsch, Johannes - Fabula Rasa – 1964
  114. Nono, Luigi - La Fabbrica Illuminata - 1964 - soprano, choir and tape
  115. Nono, Luigi - Ricorda Cosa ti Hanno Fatto in Ausschwitz - 1965 - voices and tape
  116. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 1
  117. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 2
  118. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 3
  119. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 4
  120. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 5
  121. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 6
  122. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 7
  123. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 8
  124. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 9
  125. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 10
  126. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 11
  127. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 12
  128. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 13
  129. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 14
  130. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 15
  131. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 16
  132. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 17
  133. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 18
  134. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 19
  135. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 20
  136. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 21
  137. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 22
  138. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 23
  139. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 24
  140. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 25
  141. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 26
  142. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 27
  143. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 28
  144. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 29
  145. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 30
  146. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 31
  147. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 32
  148. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 33
  149. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 34
  150. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 35
  151. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 36
  152. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 37
  153. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 38
  154. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 39
  155. Stockhausen, Karlheinz – Mixtur – for 5 orchestral groups, 4 sinusoid generators and 4 ring modulators - PART 40
  156. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 1
  157. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 2
  158. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 3
  159. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 4
  160. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 5
  161. Ferrari, Luc - Und so weiter - 1966 - electric piano and tape 6
  162. Malec, Ivo - Cantate pour Elle - 1966 - soprano, harp and tape
  163. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 1
  164. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 2
  165. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 3
  166. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 4
  167. Bayle, François - Espaces Inhabitables – 1967 5
  168. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 1
  169. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 2
  170. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 3
  171. Risset, Jean-Claude - Computer Suite from Little Boy – 1968 4
  172. Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Computer Piece No. 1 - 1968
  173. Antunes, Jorge - Cinta Cita – 1969
  174. Berio, Luciano - Questo Vuol Dire Che... - 1968-69 - 3 feminine voices, small choir, tape and other fonts.
  175. Davidovsky, Mario - Synchronisms No. 5 - 1969 – percussion ensemble and electronic sounds
  176. Ferrari, Luc - Music Promenade - 1964-69 – 4 sound recorders
  177. Koenig, Gottfried Michael - Funktion Blau - 1969
  178. Risset, Jean-Claude - Mutations – 1969
  179. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen - Mai 1968 (stretch) - tam- tam, ciola, electronium, piano, 2 microphones, 2 filters, 4 potenciometers
  180. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen mit Beethoven (Stockhoven- Beethausen Opus 1970) - Das Heiligenstädter-Testament-Geschehen
  181.  Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kurzwellen mit Beethoven (Stockhoven - Beethausen Opus 1970) – Finale
  182. Clozier, Christian - La Discordatura - 1970
  183. Chorzempa, Daniel - Sonett – 1978
  184. Xenakis, Iannis - La Légende d'Eer - 1977-78
  185. Ferreyra, Beatriz - Echos – 1978
  186. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 1
  187. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 2
  188. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 3
  189. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 4
  190. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 5
  191. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 6
  192. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 7
  193. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 8
  194. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 9
  195. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 10
  196. Parmegiani, Bernard - De Natura Sonorum - 1975-78 11
  197. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 1
  198. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 2
  199. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 3
  200. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 4
  201. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 5
  202. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 6
  203. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 7
  204. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 8
  205. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 9
  206. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 10
  207. Bayle, François - Grande Polyhonie – 1974 11
  208. Küpper, Leo - Innominé - 1974
  209. Xenakis, Iannis - Persepolis - 1971
  210. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 1
  211. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 2
  212. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 3
  213. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 4
  214. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 5
  215. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 6
  216. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 7
  217. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 8
  218. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 9
  219. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 10
  220. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 11
  221. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 12
  222. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 13
  223. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 14
  224. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 15
  225. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 16
  226. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 17
  227. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 18
  228. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 19
  229. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 20
  230. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 21
  231. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 22
  232. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 23
  233. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 24
  234. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 25
  235. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Mantra - 1970 - 2 pianos and ring modulation 26
  236. Lanza, Alcides - Penetrations VII - 1972 – voice and live- electronics
  237. Lanza, Alcides - Ekphonesis V - 1979 – voice and live-electronic
  238. Obst, Michael - Metal Drop Music – 1979
  239. Risset, Jean - Claude - Songes – 1979
  240. Truax, Barry - The Blind Man - 1979
  241. Berio, Luciano - Chants Parallèles - 1975 revision 1997 1
  242. Berio, Luciano - Chants Parallèles - 1975 revision 1997 2
  243. Hanson, Sten - Le Nom des 7 Nuits – 1975
  244. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 1
  245. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 2
  246. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 3
  247. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 4
  248. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 5
  249. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 6
  250. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 
  251. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 7
  252. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 8
  253. Bayle, François - Camera Oscura - 1976 revision 2000 9
  254. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 1
  255. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 2
  256. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 3
  257. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 4
  258. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 5
  259. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 6
  260. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 7
  261. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 8
  262. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 9
  263. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 10
  264. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 11
  265. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 12
  266. Manoury, Philippe - Zeitlauf - 1982 - ensemble and live- electronics 13
  267. Harvey, Jonathan - Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco - 1980
  268. Mandolini, Ricardo - El Juego de la Marioneta - 1979-80
  269. Chowning, John - Phoné - 1980-81
  270. Mandolini, Ricardo - Canción de Madera y Agua - 1981
  271. Nono, Luigi - Das atmende Klarsein - 1980-81 - bass flute and tape
  272. Dantas Leite, Vânia - Di-Stances - 1982
  273. Dashow, James - Mnemonics - 1982 - violin and computer 1
  274. Dashow, James - Mnemonics - 1982 - violin and computer 2
  275. Risset, Jean-Claude - Passages – 1982 1
  276. Risset, Jean-Claude - Passages – 1982 2
  277. Murail, Tristan - Désintégrations - 1982-83 - ensemble and tape
  278. Vande Gorne, Annette - Tao - Métal - 1983
  279. Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kanthinkas Gesang als LuzifersRequiem - 1983 – solo flute or flute and 6 percussionists
  280. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 1
  281. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 2
  282. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 3
  283. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 4
  284. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 5
  285. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 6
  286. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 7
  287. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 8
  288. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 9
  289. Boulez, Pierre - Répons - 1981-84 - 6 soloists, ensemble and 4X 10
  290. Maiguashca, Mesias - FMelodies II - 1981-84 - cello, percussion and tape
  291. Mucillo, Luis Maria - Au Delà des Portes d'Ivoire – 1984
  292. Parmerud, Ake - Yan - 1984 - percussion and tape
  293. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria - 1982 - piano and tape - Traiettorie... deviata 1
  294. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 2
  295. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 3
  296. Stroppa, Marco - Traiettoria – 1882 - Dialoghi Contrasti - Pierre- Laurent Aimard – piano 4
  297. Bayle, François - Motion-Émotion - 1985
  298. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 1
  299. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 2
  300. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 3
  301. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 4
  302. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 5
  303. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 6
  304. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 7
  305. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 8
  306. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 9
  307. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 10
  308. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 11
  309. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 12
  310. Boulez, Pierre - Dialogue de l'Ombre Double - 1982 - Solo clarinet, tape and spacialization (4X) 
  311. Nono, Luigi - A Pierre. Dell'Azzurro Silenzio, Inquietum - 1985 - choir, contrabass flute in G, contrabass clarinet and live electronics
  312. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 1
  313. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 2
  314. Risset, Jean-Claude - Sud - 1985 3
  315. Saariaho, Kaija - Jardin Secret I – 1984-85
  316. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 1
  317. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 2
  318. Teruggi, Daniel - E Cosi Via - 1985 - piano and tape 3
  319. Vaggione, Horacio - Thema - 1985 – bass sax and tape
  320. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 1
  321. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 2
  322. Dalbavie, Marc-André - Diadèmes - 1986 - solo viola, ensemble and live-electronics 3
  323. Lindberg, Magnus - Ur - 1986 - 5 instrumentists and live- electronics
  324. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 1
  325. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 2
  326. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 3
  327. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 4
  328. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 5
  329. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 6
  330. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 7
  331. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 8
  332. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 9
  333. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 10
  334. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 11
  335. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 12
  336. Manoury, Philippe - Jupiter - 1986 - flute and 4X 13
  337. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 1
  338. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 2
  339. Obst, Michael - Kristallwelt - 1983-86 - Part I, II, III + Intermède 3
  340. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 1
  341. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 2
  342. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 3
  343. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 4
  344. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 5
  345. Parmegiani, Bernard - Exercisme 3 – 1986 6
  346. Pamerud, Ake - String Quartet – 1986
  347. Truax, Barry - Riverrun - 1986
  348. Ungvary, Tamas - Gipsy Children's Giant Dance with Ili Fourier – 1986
  349. Wishart, Trevor - Vox-5 – 1986
  350. Bennett, Gerald - Kyotaku - 1987 - shakuhachi and tape
  351. Dashow, James - Oro, Argento e Legno - 1987 - flute and computer
  352. Karpen, Richard - Il Nome - 1987 - voice and tape
  353. Mandolini, Ricardo - Microrreflexiones – 1987
  354. Reith, Dirk - nahe zu fern – 1987
  355. Saariaho, Kaija - Yo -1986-87 - ensemble, tape and liveelectronics
  356. Vaggione, Horacio - Tar - 1987 - clarone e tape
  357. Viñao, Alejandro - Toccata del Mago - 1987 - ensemble and tape
  358. Bayle, François - Théâtre d'Ombres – 1988
  359. Globokar, Vinko - Kolo - 1988 - coro misto, trombone e eletrônica
  360. Goebel, Johannes - Vom Übersetzen über den Fluß – 1987-88
  361. Oliveira, Jocy de - Solaris - 1988 - oboe and tape
  362. Pousseur, Henri - Déclarations d'Orages - 1988 - orchestra, tape and voices
  363. Roy, Stéphane - Paysages Intérieurs – 1988
  364. Saariaho, Kaija - Stilleben – 1987-88
  365. Xenakis, Iannis - Tauriphanie – 1987-88
  366. Chafe, Chris - Vanishing Point – 1989
  367. Jarrell, Michael - Congruences - 1988-89 - MIDI-flute, oboe, ensemble and live-electronics
  368. Kessler, Thomas - Flute Control - 1989 – flute and tape
  369. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 1
  370. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 2
  371. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 3
  372. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 4
  373. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 5
  374. Manoury, Philippe - La Partition du Ciel et e l'Enfer - 1989 - flute, 2 pianos, ensemble and live-electronics 6
  375. Arrell, Michael - Assonance IV - 1990 - tuba, viola and live-electronics
  376. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 1
  377. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 2
  378. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 3
  379. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 4
  380. Manoury, Philippe - Neptune - 1991 - 2 MIDI vibraphones, tam-tam, marimba and live-electronics 5
  381. Xenakis, Iannis - Gendy 3 – 1991
  382. Parmegiani, Bernard - Entre Temps – 1990-92
  383. Boulez, Pierre - ...explosante-fixe... - 1991-93 – MIDI-flute solo, 2 flutes, ensemble and live-electronics
  384. Brümmer, Ludger - The Gates of H. - 1993
  385. Cerana, Carlos - Fall - 1993
  386. Cicchelli-Velloso, Rodrigo - Cymbals - Reminiscência – 1993
  387. Hurel, Philippe - Leçon de Choses - 1993 - ensemble and live- electronics
  388. Jarrell, Michael - Rhizomes (Assonance VIIb) - 1991-93 – two percussionists, two pianos and live-electronics
  389. Labor, Tim - Bronze – 1993
  390. Macdonald, Alistair - Kilim - 1993
  391. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Sólidos – 1993
  392. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 1
  393. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 2
  394. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 3
  395. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 4
  396. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 5
  397. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 6
  398. Manoury, Philippe - En Écho - 1993-94 - soprano and live- electronics 7
  399. Murail, Tristan - L'esprit des Dunes - 1993-94 - ensenble and live-electronics
  400. Pappalardo, Emanuele - Oltre - 1994 - flautas-doce tenor e baixo e tape
  401. Wishart, Trevor - Tongues of Fire – 1992-94
  402. Ceccarelli, Luigi - Birds – 1995
  403. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Materialma - 1995
  404. Verandi, Mario - Figuras Flamencas – 1995
  405. Martusciello, Elio - Vis Motrix – 1996
  406. Parmegiani, Bernard - Sonare – 1996
  407. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 1
  408. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 2
  409. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 3
  410. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 4
  411. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 5
  412. Risset, Jean-Claude - Invisible - 1996 - soprano and tape 6
  413. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 1
  414. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 2
  415. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 3
  416. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 4
  417. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 5
  418. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 6
  419. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 7
  420. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 8
  421. Boulez, Pierre - Anthèmes II - 1991-97 - violin, computer and 6 groups of loudspeakers 9
  422. Pantaleão, Aquiles - Three Inconspicuous Settings - 1997
  423. Pauset, Brice - Perspectivae Sintagma I (canons) - 1997 - MIDI- piano and live-electronics
  424. Zanési, Christian - Archeion Les Voix de Pierre Schaeffer - 1997
  425. Bayle, François - Morceaux de Ciel – 1998
  426. Gorodski, Fábio - Gli Anni-Luce - 1999 - piano and tape
  427. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 1
  428. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 2
  429. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 3
  430. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 4
  431. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 5
  432. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 6
  433. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 7
  434. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 8
  435. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 9
  436. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 10
  437. Bayle, François - Tremblement de terre très doux – 1978 11
  438. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 1
  439. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 2
  440. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 3
  441. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 4
  442. Bayle, François - Toupie dans le ciel - 1979 5
  443. Chowning, John - Phoné – 1980-81
  444. Chowning, John - Turenas – 1972
  445. Chowning, John - Stria – 1977
  446. Chowning, John - Sabelithe - 1966
  447. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 1
  448. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 2
  449. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 3
  450. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 4
  451. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 5
  452. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 6
  453. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 7
  454. Henry, Pierre - Microphone bien tempéré – 1950-52 8
  455. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 1
  456. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 2
  457. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 3
  458. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 4
  459. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 5
  460. Henry, Pierre - Concerto des ambiguïtés – 1950 6
  461. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 1
  462. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 2
  463. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 3
  464. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 4
  465. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 5
  466. Henry, Pierre - Musique sans titre – 1950 6
  467. Pierre Henry - Bidule En Mi - 1950
  468. Pierre Henry - Spirale – 1955
  469. Pierre Henry - Voile d'Orphee – 1953
  470. Pierre Henry - Spatiodynamisme - 1954 - à partir des sculptures de Nicolas Schöffer
  471. Pierre Henry - Haut-Voltage - 1956 - avec la vois de Pierre Henry
  472. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 1
  473. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 2
  474. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 3
  475. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 4
  476. Pierre Henry - Coexistence - 1958 - Allegretto 5

This is from a 62 CD set called "The History of Electroacoustic Music" that was floating around as a torrent, reputedly curated by a Brazilian student. It's sketchy. The torrent vanished and the collection has long been unavailable.

It's a clearly flawed selection: there's few women and almost no one working outside of the Western tradition (where are the Japanese? Chinese? etc.). However, as an effort, it's admirable and contains a ton of great stuff.

Take it with a grain of salt, or perhaps use it as a provocation to curate a more intelligent, inclusive, and comprehensive selection.

-- UbuWeb